Violine Winterthur - Artes fine violins Artes Logo

Our Offer

  • Fine old string instruments and bows
  • Investment consulting concerning investments in rare string instruments and bows
  • Sales and rentals of string instruments and bows (violins, violas, cellos) as well as sales of all accessories (cases, strings etc.)
  • Individual professional advice
  • Advice and support in search of instruments or bows at important trade fairs (Cremona, Frankfurt, New York, Shanghai), at worldwide well-known violin makers in Paris, London, Milan, New York or Cremona, as well as at regular auctions in the range of string instruments in London, New York and Paris.
  • Expertise and certificates (in association with prestigious experts in Cremona, Paris, Milan and London)
  • Sell on consignment
  • Repairs and restorations
  • Sound-improvements
  • Buy of string instruments and bows
  • 360° HD pictures of your violin, viola, cello or bow
    36 HD Pictures
    Full animated turn
    HD Zoom
    350.- Sfr. for  violin und viola
    450.- Sfr. for cello and bow
    Samples under:

Next to historical instruments, we also offer a wide selection of outstanding contemporary instruments and bows.

In the range of instrument cases we offer exceptional models for all needs and tastes next to our established models.

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