Violine Winterthur - Artes fine violins Artes Logo


You will see a small selection (not always up-to-date, we ask for your understanding) of our bows. For reasons of protection, some bows have no pictures (please contact us about this). Other bows (such as by Ludwig Bausch, François Xavier Bazin, Victor Fetique, Heinrich Knopf, Joseph Alfred Lamy, Giovanni Lucchi, Nicolas Remy Maire, Nicolas Maline, Jean Joseph Martin, Louis Morizot, Emile Auguste Ouchard, Emile Francois Ouchard, Etienne Pajeot , Charles Peccatte, Dominique Peccatte, François Peccatte, Jean Pierre Marie Persois, Andre Richaume, Eugene Sartory, Pierre Simon, Andre Vigneron, Joseph Arthur Vigneron, François Nicolas Voirin, Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume) on request.

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