Violine Winterthur - Artes fine violins Artes Logo

About us

One single beautiful tone achieve more than thousand words

Joseph Joubert (1754 - 1824)

For more than 30 years I, Ioan Gramatic, have been involved in the sale of stringed instruments and customer service. As a violinist and musician I have been active on many stages of the world for more than 40 years. These experiences and my passion for it have supported and strengthened the idea of ​​becoming self-employed in this field. The company "ARTES Ioan Gramatic" was founded in Winterthur in 2012 together with my wife, Heidi Gramatic, who works with her expertise in the field of consulting.

Our challenge is to find the right instrument for the different human and musical needs.

Through the continuous search and our contacts with the professional world on 3 continents (Europe, Asia and North America), we offer an excellent range of instruments and bows as well as advice independent of a specific luthier.

Our greatest wish is to satisfy or exceed the sound and aesthetic expectations of our customers.

Based on our knowledge and experience we are also proposing consulting services about investing in rare strings instruments (modern or old)  and bows both for musician and investors. ARTES fine violins also offers a wide range of apropriate instruments or bows.

Due to our many years of experience in the field of high-quality stringed instruments, as well as our cooperation with some of the world's best experts, musicians and investors receive complete and personal support in all questions relating to the ownership, purchase, sale of stringed instruments or investments in them.

When it comes to school and student instruments, the most expensive does not always have to be the best. We try to find something good for every budget. We would like to provide our customers with the largest possible selection of different instruments and bows and give them enough time to try them out thoroughly.

Feel free to contact us!

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